Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Catch Up

I feel like I haven't been on here in forever when in reality it's only been like 3 days. I've just been super crazy busy and had taken all these pictures that I wanted to incorporate into my blog. But I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to dig through pictures and decide which ones I like/don't like, and which to put up here. I know, big decisions, right? I was starting to miss blogging though, so I decided I would post now and do a picture post later.

So I'm officially 30 now. I used to always think that 30 was old. Now that I'm here, though, I'm starting to second guess that. I feel so much more alive that I did in my teens - so much happier! I had a lot of 'stuff' going on in my teen years that contributed to me just being unhappy. I was overweight, depressed, and listened to way too much of The Cure than is good for any one person. My 20's I was still trying to 'find myself' and still felt VERY shy. While I'm still trying to discover who I am, I feel a lot more confident with myself, my body, and my choices. I have a great husband and two amazing children, and I feel like I've found my place in the world. Plus, I am much more active and healthier, which I think affects so much in your life. I'm happy!

Speaking of being active, I have gotten a few runs in. Although, they've been pretty quick! Yesterday, I only made it 1.5 miles. For lunch yesterday, I made Pioneer Woman's jalepeno poppers (got from her cookbook), and OMG! They were SOOOOO good. So good, in fact, that I ate 22 of them. They were really low weight watchers points, and so incredibly delicious that I just kept eating until they were all gone. Awesome. Anyway, after putting it off for most of the day, I decided to get out there and run. So off to the gym I went. And discovered that eating 22 jalepeno poppers was NOT the best "fuel" for running! My stomach was twisting in so many knots that I had to stop. Lesson learned. If I'm going to eat 22 jalepeno poppers, I should do it on a non-run day!

Other than running, I've been working and cleaning house. Yesterday I got in 4 hours of work (go me!), and then cleaned like a crazy person. My father in law found out that he was going to be attending a training in Dallas, so he is coming in tonight and leaving on Saturday. It's been almost a year since he's seen the kids, so I know he's excited to see them. After he leaves on Saturday morning, my mom is coming into town to celebrate Easter with us (she arrives Saturday afternoon, and will stay until Sunday afternoon). Then, next Saturday, my dad and grandma are driving from Nashville to Dallas to spend a few days with us. It's total parent overload - and I love it! It just makes me so happy to have family around, and for the kids to be able to interact so much with their grand-parents (and great-grandma!).

My Dad is coming in late Saturday night, and then we are turning around and doing a super-sprint triathlon on Sunday morning. It's a 10 minute swim, 20 minute run, and 30 minute bike ride, all indoors at a gym. I think I got everything down except the swimming. I can swim, but I'm not the best at it. So, 10 minutes is going to feel like forever. My friend in Virginia wants to do a half-Ironman (70.3 miles) and I said that I was interested in doing it as well. We are shooting for October 2013. I really need a bike to be able to do the triathlons though. My sister said she would loan me hers, so I might get that from her and start training. I honestly haven't ridden a bike (non-stationary) in years, so I'm curious to see how that will go!

Anyway, better head off of here. Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I have to a lot more cleaning/picking up I want to do before the father-in-law gets here tonight.


  1. Love the idea of a gym triathlon! I'm not a fan of biking outdoors or swimming in open bodies of water :)

    1. Yes - lake water freaks me out! Can't see the bottom or what is "lurking" under water.
