Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekly Goals

Today has been an interesting day so far. The kids seem to have the beginnings of my cold/sore throat and have been super crabby/needy today. Piper actually threw a full on temper tantrum when I wouldn't let her ride in the shopping cart with a car in the front at the grocery store. She was on the floor, screaming, kicking. Oh yes. It was awesome. I know they are just sick, so I decided we would just stay home for the rest of the day and take it easy. Maybe tomorrow too. We'll see.

I did manage to get in a gym workout this morning, though, so that was nice. I did 5.25 miles and could have done more, but the gym daycare was closing (plus I was STARVING!). So back home I came (after my grocery store trip and a quick stop at Taco Bell for some soft tacos) and started reading my blogs. There seemed to be a common theme today: setting goals.

I think for the past two or three months, I've been focusing on the BIG picture and getting frustrated with myself. I want to lose 30 pounds, and looking at that big number makes me feel like I'm never going to do it. Maybe what I need are some small goals. Some mini-goals to help me get to the bigger goal of a 30 pound weight loss. I thought long and hard about my goals and this is what I came up with for this week. Yes, I am doing weekly goals:

1. Do the 30 Day Shred DVD for 7 days. In a row.

2. Run 5 days a week. One of those will be my long run of 8 miles.

3. Don't mess up the eating plan on the weekends. Stay within my points range ALL 7 DAYS!!

I did my measurements last week, and instead of going down, my measurements had stayed the same in some areas and increased in others. Not exactly what I wanted. I'm hoping that the 30 Day Shred will get those inches back down a little. I would like to the whole 30 days, but right now I am committing to 7. We'll see where we are next week :)

It has officially been two weeks since my doctor's appointment where he told me take my running easy. I now have the go-ahead to run my heart out. Especially since my legs have not been hurting! So I'm going to keep my runs up and do one long run in order to start upping my mileage for my half marathon on Memorial Day. Only like 5 weeks away!! I'm hoping to shave off 15 minutes from my 2:57 Rock N Roll time. I'm not really sure if that's realistic or not, but I'm hoping to be in better shape and be able to rock the Patriot Half Marathon. We'll see!

And my last goal: eating habits. I have been doing awful. Like bad, bad, bad. I'll do great for 4 days during the week, but then Saturday, Sunday, and (for some weird reason) Monday roll around and I just eat myself silly. I hate it because I ALWAYS feel bad afterwards. I'm always disappointed in myself and that's an awful way to feel. Because really, I'm pretty awesome and I should love myself. And, really, I wish I was not insecure about my weight, but, I've said it before...that's just the way I am.

Hopefully I can really reach my goals. I'll let you know how things are going. Oh, and I have The Survival Race on Saturday! Can't wait :)

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