Thursday, April 19, 2012

We're here to PUMP - you UP

I made it to my Body Pump class last night at my gym! I have been trying to make it to this class (on Wednesdays and Saturdays) for about 2 months, so I was glad to finally make it to class. The instructor was really nice and showed me what kind of weights/gear I would need for class and then we began. Holy God! About five minutes into class (and what turned out to only be the warm up!), I was hurting. My legs were screaming and shaking. I couldn't believe that. Six months ago, I could hold my own in a weight lifting class. It's not like I was a body builder or anything, but I could go through class without having to take major rest breaks. Not so this time! I had to rest three times and let my muscles relax. I knew my muscles would be weaker, but I thought I would be a little stronger than that. Just goes to show what six months and no weight lifting will do! I'm glad I did the class, though, and feel better for it. I just hope that Saturday's class goes a little better :)

I had some grand plans to grill this for supper, but seeing as how the Body Pump class was an hour long and started at 5:45pm, I quickly discarded that plan. Instead I got some spicy chicken nuggets and a small chili from Wendy's. I avoided the fries, but still felt slightly unhealthy after a day of healthy eating and working out. There was just no way the kids were going to last if I tried to cook - they were hungry!

Derek came home from work yesterday afternoon (he came in early and completely scared the dirt out of me - I thought someone was breaking into our house!!) with a bad cold/cough. Derek and I were married for six years before we had kids, and Derek was sick exactly one time in those six years (plus the 1.5 years we dated before getting married). Now that we have kids, Derek gets sick probably once a month. I swear sometimes he's sick more often than the kids! Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon and will get to enjoy the weekend. This is the first weekend in almost a month (or maybe more??) that we haven't had out of town guests staying with us. I love company, and I love my family coming to visit, but it'll be nice having the place to ourselves this weekend! I might just sit on the couch and watch TV all day to catch up on some shows. If Piper will let me watch something. She's developed a little girl crush on Diego (Dora the Explorer's cousin) and demands Diego at all times. It's cute, but that show is a little annoying....

Today the kids and I went to Celebration Park again. I really do love that park! We met up with a friend whose husband works with Derek. She is also a stay at home mom with two little ones. We didn't get to talk much because we were each chasing kids and she has a 4 month old who is still nursing, but it was nice just to go somewhere and know someone else. The park was getting new bark put in, and Danny was fascinated with the tractors and front loader. Little boy Heaven. Unfortunately, he kept getting in the way of their work and by the end of our hour and a half there, the construction team was calling out, "Where's Danny?" before they backed up the tractors. I'm just glad they didn't get annoyed - they seemed like they understood that I had two little ones - who of course wanted to go in opposite directions - and couldn't keep Danny out of their hair at all times because Piper was busy climbing parts of the play structure that I'm sure were about 3-5 years out of her age range. She would climb up, pull herself up, and then say, "help mama!" as she dangled from a ladder or some crazy climbing thing. Cute, but made my heart skip a beat or two. Here are some pictures from the day.


  1. Ohhhh I love Body Pump at my gym, went last night and I'm soooo sore!

  2. I'm hoping I learn to love it! I'm still sore two days later haha. I'm going again tomorrow though - I'm willing my body to get used to lifting.
