Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bullet Point Wednesday

My mind is a bit here and there today. So here are some bullets. I should call them bullet-graphs because they are kind of long....
  • Danny was punished this past weekend by not being allowed to watch his current favorite movie - Wall-E - for 4 days. He didn't mention it AT ALL for those four days. This morning, he woke up and said, "Mommy, can I watch Wall-E?" Is my son a genius and really count down the days until he was allowed to watch it again, or did he just forget about it until today?? 
  • Ran a 4.3 mile tempo run today. Felt AMAZING! I would have kept going, but I remembered that I have my indoor triathlon on Sunday and I should probably be mindful to taper a little for it and not wear my legs out. Oh, and that pesky muscular injury thing....
  • I am making these for supper tonight. Put these on the kind-of unhealthy list and make them anyways. I'm using my 97% fat free hot dogs and only a little, itty bit of mayo and cheese on mine to lighten them up. And I'm only having one and adding green beans and salad on the side to fill me up. And then I'm leaving the house. Because I *will* eat the whole pan!
  • Tonight is Mom's Night Out with my mom's group. Can't wait! I'm limiting myself to only 2 drinks and no appetizers though so I can a) make it home in one piece and b) not gain 45 million pounds. We're going to a Mexican place (can't remember the name), so it's going to be hard because you just know that there going to put a basket of chips and salsa down RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I just have to remind myself that I am not meeting up with people to eat and drink. The purpose is to go out with other moms and have fun - without the kids!
  • I was reading this and found myself seriously wondering if I should be vacuuming more. I usually do 1 - 2 times per week, but according to her findings, I should be vacuuming about 4 times per week. Crap! Just when I was starting to feel like I was ahead of the curve by vacuuming twice a week. 
  • I am so happy that it's almost summer because this means fresh fruit! I have already eaten two pre-cut bowls of watermelon this week, and I am hungry for more. Why oh why is watermelon so delicious?!? I also can't wait for cherry season! I think I might go to the farmer's market this year and buy lots and lots of tomatoes too. I used to eat those all the time fresh off the vine with a little salt. Yum!
  • I am really looking forward to moving again! Our rental agreement is up on our current house at the end of June and we are hoping to move closer to my sister's house and Derek's work. I'm guessing we'll be in Plano/Allen area. Right now we take the tollway everywhere because it's so freaking convenient and we live so far out, but it costs almost $5 roundtrip to my sister's or Derek's work. And that's just insane! 
  • I'm really interested in doing the White Rock Racing marathon build-up series (the timing would be PERFECT for my 12/31 marathon), but they are currently upgrading their website and everything is kaka. They list out the events, but don't say how much they are or how to register. Very frustrating since I am planning out all of my end of year races (doing one race a month for 2012) and want to pay before prices increase - especially if I choose to go with other races for September, October, and November. I lack patience...
  • I want to do a sprint triathlon sometime this year. I don't have a bike (although my sister said I could borrow hers) and I don't have a pool to train in (although, my sister does have a pool at her apartment complex....), but I still want to go for it! I was looking at one in June, about 2 weeks after my half marathon on Memorial Day. The only problem is that it's $50. And that's a cheap triathlon. $50 may not be much to some, but since we'll be moving at the end of June, we are having to save up for new deposits and moving expenses (as well as having to replace the timing belts on BOTH of our cars). I wish my hobbies were cheaper! 
  • My friend from college, Erin and her husband Tim, are going to Africa NEXT WEEK to go meet their little girl and attend a court date to begin the actual adoption process. I'm so proud of Erin and Tim! I really do admire them for committing and following through on this adoption. After they get to meet their little girl, they will have to go back home to Washington and wait until the end of summer to actually go get her and bring her home. It breaks my heart to know that Erin will get to meet and love on her little girl and then have to leave her in an orphanage for months before getting to bring her home. I can only imagine how hard that will be : ( Erin and Tim were fortunate enough to receive a grant for this trip to Africa, but are still looking for funds for their return trip to Africa when they get to bring Harper home. If you want to donate, please do so here. They are also trying to get together supplies to take to the orphanage in Ethiopia so I'm sure if you messaged Erin, she would tell you how you can help with that. They are taking supplies next week and then again when they go to pick Harper up. 

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