Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cat Tails

My plans yesterday kind of went out the window. I was supposed to go out with my mom's group, but life got in the way. As always! But, the good news is, I did still make my oven hot dogs. And BONUS - my sister Kristen came over to hang out with me and kiddos and eat the yumminess that is oven hot dogs. Danny and Piper were going crazy bananas so we let them loose outside and they 'mowed the lawn' and searched for geckos. Oh to be a kid again! After that, the kids went to bed and Kristen and I sat up talking about old times. We were some wild kids - oh how I hope that Danny and Piper take after their Dad when it comes to their teenage years...

Today was a busy day. We did a playdate with our meetup group at a Chik-Fil-A toddler time. It was really cute and the kids had fun. It was a little crowded, but the kids still had fun. And they gave out fresh fruit as a snack, which was a nice touch. My kids gobbled one of them up and we saved the other serving (having two kids is really good for getting an 'extra' for later) for lunch.

Just as we were heading home, I got a text from my work asking to do some work-ish things, so I spent the next 3.5 hours creating itemized budgets for a big ol' grant. I just feel like my head is swimming in numbers. But I've put in a bunch of extra hours working on this grant, so now I'll have a nice paycheck to spend on lavish spa days, a vacation in Tahiti, and an Audi TT. Oh wait, that's in my dreams. Really, we're using my extra moolah to pay down some credit cards. Someday I hope to be truly debt free..right after I pay off all those student loans from both undergrad and grad school.....

Anyway, my cats are all piling on me now that the kids are asleep. And they are helping me type. They are really good blogger cats. If I could take a picture I would. But I am using all my energy to keep them off the keyboard. Just picture three LARGE cats putting their tails in my face and stepping on the keys. I love my almost 10 year old cats :)


  1. Isn't college a double edged sword? Get a good job just to pay off mounds of debt! Ugh.

  2. Especially when you go to all that schooling to decide to work part time and stay at home with your kids! Oh well, it's worth it :)
