Friday, April 13, 2012

Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink

I've been getting some gnarly charlie horses in my right calf. Like BAD. Like when I was pregnant bad. And don't worry, I'm not preggers. If that happened, I would start to think God had something against me haha. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out why for the last week or so I've been getting these charlie horses/leg cramps. And my only conclusion? Not enough water. The past three days, I made it until about 3pm and realized I hadn't drank anything other than my morning coffee. Yikes! So, today, I'm going to pile on my water and see if it changes. I think part of the problem is that I'm not a real big fan of Texas water. It tastes like it has dirt or clay in it to me. I miss the Spokane Aquifer! When I drink water here, I put a Crystal Light on-the-go thing in my water and right now I'm out of them. Ergo, I cannot drink water. I *do* have a whole case of bottled water in my laundry room, but let's not talk about that now :) I have been drinking obscene amounts of Cherry Coke Zero in the evenings too, so that might have something to do with my leg cramps, but I would prefer to leave the glorious Cherry Coke Zero out of this.

I weighed myself this morning and I'm back down to where I was before I ate massive amounts of food at Chuy's. Woo-hoo! I was looking back through my food journal (I write down everything I eat) this morning and noticed that I"ll have about 4-5 weeks of good eating followed by 1-2 weeks of BAD eating where I just about blow all the work I'd done in the last month. My new eating goal is to try to not have those two weeks of  bad eating and really buckle down. If I'm ever going to make it to my goal, then I have to eat better. Exercise only gets you so far. I can workout for hours, but if I follow it up with three hot dogs or a whole medium pizza, I kind of just wasted all my hours on working out. I have to put good things in my body!

I've been reading "Born to Run." It's a very interesting book and I'm loving the information on ultrarunning and discovering how our bodies really were made to cover long distances and to run. Right now I'm at a part where the author is getting some nutritional advice. He was told to try salad for breakfast. My first thought was a breakfast salad??? Eww! But really, I'm not a huge breakfast foods person (my sister can attest to me cooking asparagus for breakfast as a kid!), and salads are yummy...I think my next thought was how much work it would be to make a big salad every morning. All that chopping! But the more and more I think about it, how nice would salad be in the morning?? Maybe I should just prepare a big weekly salad on Sunday and eat it all week. I did that years ago when I lost all my weight, and it helped me get my veggies in for the day. Why not do it again, and just eat it for breakfast?

So now my mission for today is to go shopping: buy some Crystal Light so I can drink gobs of water, and get some salad fixings. Oh and my Dad and Grandma come tomorrow(!) so I better get them some food and do some meal planning for their trip too. And my indoor triathlon is Sunday! I'm so excited :) And a little nervous. Mostly about the swimming part. Can you doggie paddle in a triathlon without getting laughed at?? I'll have an answer for you on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. When I start getting muscle cramps I drink Nuun throughout the day. Something diff than just water plus has electrolytes.

    Hard time imagining salad for breakfast,but I usually eat it mid-morning,so maybe it wouldnt be terrible. Love Born To Run!
