Friday, April 20, 2012


I am feeling so completely and utterly exhausted. Like I could just curl up on the couch and sleep. And sleep. And sleep some more. I have had a couple of busy days and a couple of hard workouts that have my body just aching. Plus, I woke up this morning with a sore throat and I'm pretty sure the hubs infected me. I love my husband; not his cold.

Yesterday I was pretty lazy in the afternoon and then had an energy surge and decided to go to the gym for a 7 mile run. When I got there though, I discovered that there was a spin class in 45 minutes, so I ended up running 3.5 miles and then doing the spin class (which was a 45 minute spin class). My legs were so freaking sore after that! I was literally hobbling out of the spin studio. After a few minutes of walking though, my legs were sore, but manageable. After I got the kids out of the daycare area we went home and FINALLY made our spicy honey chicken. Oh man! It was delicious!! We had watermelon and steamed broccoli with it too. So yummy.

I had every intention of doing some work after supper, but I put it off until the kids went to bed. Then I discovered that my computer had no juice. So instead of plugging it into the wall and working like I should have. I watched episodes of Awake with Derek. I'm only caught up to episode 4, but it is shaping up to be an interesting show. And MUCH better than working!

This morning we got up and went to the Indoor Safari Park in Plano with my mom's group. I had a Living Social deal from there so we got in pretty cheap. Although, parents had to pay $1 to get in (lame) and then the lady didn't have change for a $20, so I had to use my card - at which point she told me I would be charged extra because I hadn't met the minimum $5 purchase. She let me know I could buy something else to get my purchase up to $5. I called BS and she didn't charge me the extra money. It didn't really leave me with a good feeling about the place. The kids liked the climbing areas/jungle gyms and ball pits. I don't think my kids have ever really been in a ball pit before - they both really liked it. They both rode on a little train they had and then Danny rode this crazy animatronic zebra thing. Piper was not about to get on that craziness - she screamed as soon as I put her on it. Overall, the kids enjoyed it, but it felt a little dirty and unkempt. I don't really know if we'll ever go back.

After that, we headed over to my sister's for some lunch. We ended up going to a place called Potbelly. I'm sure with a name like Potbelly, it has to be real nutritious..... I had a skinny pizza sandwhich and a cup of chili. It was a cold-ish day here (in the 60's) with rain, and with my sore throat, chili certainly hit the spot! We played with Kristen's dog Jacoby for a bit and then headed home so Piper could nap. Danny is now watching his favorite movie ever: Wall-E. And I am going to do some work before heading back over to Kristen's for a girls night out at Studio Movie Grill. You can order food and drinks at this movie theater. It reminds me of Germany a bit (my family was stationed there from the time I was 12 - 16). I just took some Dayquil so hopefully my sore throat and achy body will get some relief soon and really enjoy my night out sans children. I was trying to think of an alcoholic drink that would be low calorie and soothing to the throat. Any suggestions?

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