Thursday, June 21, 2012

Setting Your Own Pace

I went out with my new (ish) running group last night. I say it's a new (ish) running group because I originally joined about a month or two ago, but haven't been able to go since I joined. Well, I went once with the kids but that turned out B-A-D. Last Wednesday I went, but didn't RSVP and so was not told the group was cancelled due to a hail storm that went through the Plano/McKinney area. I still ran last week, but it was by myself and I mostly walked and talked on the phone to my sister. So when I got there last night, I was really excited that there were 5 other women ready to run as well.

It was 90+ degrees outside, so the women said that they wanted to go "slow" at about an 11 minute mile. I told them that 12 minute miles was my fast pace. Eek! The whole reason I joined the group was to work on my pace, so maybe it's good that they are way faster. I am just competitive enough to push myself a little further than I would normally when I am with a group.

We started running and I went to start my Garmin and I guess I pressed something funky because I couldn't get it to reset from my last run and I only messed with it for a minute and then gave up. We ran the first mile at an 11 minute pace. And I kept up! I couldn't really talk much and I was huffing and puffing away, but I kept up. At about 1.25 miles, though, I had to walk. I watched the group get further and further away. One other girl started to walk too and as I walked and then ran and then walked again, the other girl got further and further behind me. When I was probably about 1.75 miles in, I decided to turn on my Garmin just so that I could pace myself.

It was really, really a struggle to pace myself in 90+ degree weather and having tired legs and feeling kind of like a failure because I couldn't keep up with the rest of my group. I had to constantly remind myself that just because I was having to break and walk that there was nothing wrong with me. I am still a runner, and really the problem was that I started too fast and wore myself out. I should have started my Garmin immediately and paced myself and kept my 12 - 12:30 minute pace that I've been working on and not tried to prove something to the rest of the group by keeping up with their pace. I'm just not there yet.

Running is just as much of a mental sport as a physical one. That's part of the reason I love it - especially distance running. You have to pace yourself and tell yourself over and over that you CAN do the distance and you really have to work to make sure you are not overdoing it too early. But when those negative thoughts creep in, they can really be a detriment to your run. And when it's Texas hot out there, and you just feel like giving up and walking entirely, that can be a detriment to your run as well! I think yesterday the only thing that kept pushing me was that I didn't want the girl who was behind me to pass me. I'm competitive like that, but at the same time I felt bad for her because if I was feeling this crappy, I bet she wasn't far behind me.

I finished my 4 miles and met up with the rest of the group and we all chatted for a minute. They asked me how I felt and I was honest - I wasn't as fast as I thought I would be and I was incredibly hot. The funny thing was, they all said the same thing. Then I didn't feel so bad about my crappy time (I think it took me almost an hour to the 4 miles). On the way home I started to think about it, though, and I was quite proud of myself. I learned a new lesson about pacing myself when running with a group, I got out there and RAN, and I hopefully made some friends in the process that like doing something that I like doing as well. And really, I do want to increase my speed and hopefully these more experienced ladies can help me find ways to do this. I'm going back on Saturday for a long run (hoping for 8 or 9 miles). I will be smarter this time and go at my own pace. And I will bring a towel so I can wipe the sweat off my face because goodness gracious - sweat in the eyes was NO fun. I kind of feel that I'm learning to run all over again by starting to run outside instead of on a treadmill. It's a totally different experience. One that I love!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Race Recap: Run Like A Mother 5k

You might have guessed it, but I'm a little behind on my race recaps. I have still been running my one (or more) races a month, but I just haven't sat down and written all of it down. I'm trying to catch up this week now that our move is over, so just bare with me - I'll be flooding the blog with race recaps. 

The Run Like A Mother 5k was a Mother's Day race. I ran it with my Mom and it was her first official race where she got a race bib number and a timing chip. My mom is awesome - she runs 5 miles a day pretty much every day. She is genetically tall and super model skinny (Why oh why did I miss out on this gene???), but has some cholesterol (or maybe it's blood pressure??) issues that cause her to exercise to keep it in check. That and she just likes to exercise and be physically fit. I keep trying to talk her into doing a half marathon with me, but she keeps saying she doesn't know if she can do it. I think she can. We'll see who wins :)

The day before the race, my mom, Danny, and I headed out to Run On to pick up our race packets. And were pleasantly surprised. In addition to the normal t-shirt, we got a super cute bag with the "Run Like A Mother" logo on it. It's a nice bag - big and roomy - and is made of a plastic-y material so it wipes up clean easy. You know - perfect for a mom who is constantly on the go and carrying 18 bajillion toys, sippy cups, sunscreen, matchbox cars, crayons and coloring books in her bag. I use the bag on a regular basis now and absolutely love it. I also wear the shirt quite a bit too. I was a little bummed about the shirt - only because I ordered an X-Large thinking it would be a woman's sized t-shirt and thus more form fitting; however it's pretty loose and I easily could have worn the large. It's still nice, just next year I will have to remember to get the Large instead. My Mom ordered the right size and hers is adorable. I just love the Run Like A Mother logo. That's actually why I wanted to do the race.

The day of the race, my mom and I got up early and drove down to Dallas for the race. We got there with time to spare, so we got to talk and hang out before the race started; which was nice because usually when my mom comes to visit we busy with my kiddos (who had stayed home with Daddy and were meeting us post-race for mother's day festivities). The day before our race, I had ran 10 miles, so my legs were still a little tired, but nothing major. I felt pretty good and ready to run. They had a 1 mile kid's dash before the 5k and oh man! Those kids were FLYING! I was very, very impressed with how fast those kids were going.

The time came for our race to start, so mom and I lined up in the front-middle and when the starting buzzer went off, we took off. My mom had kept telling me how slow she was, and how I should wait for her at the finish line and I kept telling her that just because I run long distances, doesn't mean I run fast. I don't think she believed me until the race was over (and she totally smoked me!). But I digress, let me talk about the race course.

The course was on the Katy Trail. It was a nice place to run and if I lived closer, I might go run there often. As it is, though, it's a good probably 45 minutes from where I am now, so I'll stick to my little running trail that I discovered at my new house. Anyway, it started out pretty flat and then there was a killer hill. And I mean KILLER. It was steep and my quads were screaming. I honestly should have walked up it and saved my energy. Like my mom did. I, though, chose to run up it and wear myself out completely. Which - hooray for me! - I did. After the hill, I slowed WAY down and couldn't get my energy level back up. I started walking and watched as my mom passed me just before the turn-around point for the out and back course. She was bookin' it!

With sweat pouring down my face, I crossed the finish line at 35:06. Which was a PR, but not really what I wanted. I think I've been doing a lot of distance running and not really focusing on speed. I should be happy with the PR, but honestly, I wanted to be somewhere a little closer to what my mom did. My mom rocked a 32:56 for her first timed race. I think that's pretty awesome!! After we crossed the finish line, we were handed roses and invited to go over to the food table - which was a pretty decent spread for a smaller race. I think my mom and I both guzzled about 3 bottles of water each post-race. It was pretty warm!

Derek was meeting us with the kids for a playground and lunch mother's day extravaganza at the park where the race started, so mom and I hung out to listen to the race winners. And guess what?? Mom came in 2nd in her age group! How sweet is that?!?!? Even sweeter, her "win" was a free entry into next years race. So I guess this is our new mother's day tradition :)

All in all, I would definitely do this race again next year. It was a fun way to celebrate being a mom and get some running in as well.

The McKinney Move

We moved! It was stressful and crazy and full of eating out and hot, sweaty days, but we did it. We moved from Rowlett, TX to McKinney, TX. And I absolutely LOVE it!! Rowlett was a nice small town, but I absolutely without a doubt love McKinney 100% more. Our community is tucked back and not in the center of "town" where it would be crazy busy, but it is close enough to everything that it is just a very short drive away. We're actually really close to Allen, which is nice because that is where my husband works. It's only about a 10-15 minute drive for him now. He's been home pretty much every night by 6:30pm at the latest. That's almost a 1.5 hour difference from when he was getting home. And that makes an INCREDIBLE difference.

Our community has a community pool with a splash pad and a play ground. We are still waiting on access keys from the owner of the house, so we haven't been yet - but it looks super nice. I already bought the kids some little Puddle Jumper floatie/life jackets so that as soon as we get the keys we can go. My kids love to swim, and the pool is only two blocks away from us. It's going to be a perfect beat-the-Texas-heat place. The little play ground has a big kid area and a little kid area. I honestly have only seen one or two families playing on it, so I guess my kids will have the run of the place.

Since we moved into a higher rent house, we had to cut a few things out of our lives. I had already cancelled my gym membership, so I decided to see if I can forgo joining a gym and just exercise outside for a little while. I discovered a running/walking trail about half a mile away, and have run on that twice now. There are a lot of people that run on it, so it looks like it is well populated (which always makes me feel safer). I've never really run outside consistently before, so this will be something new for me. The only downside is that I have to get up at 5:30am to go run because otherwise it's too hot out there. It's going to take a while to get back to getting up that early!

It has been a little crazy around here with cleaning out the Rowlett house, steam cleaning the carpets, getting boxes unpacked here in McKinney, and trying to meet new friends here in the McKinney area. I joined another meetup of moms in the McKinney area and that has been a huge help in meeting new people (the ladies are amazing, really) and getting the kids out of the house. It's been great, but keeping up with a total of three meetup groups activities (still meeting up with my original mom's group and my running group as well) while moving in has left me a little exhausted! We are officially out of the Rowlett house though - as of Sunday - so now we can just focus on the McKinney house. And get all of those boxes unpacked!! Life will feel so, so much more relaxed when the house is unpacked, the garage cleaned up, and we put pictures on the walls. I can't wait till that day!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I love my husband!

Yesterday, I said my children were wonderful (and they still are), but today, I just want to talk about my husband. We've been together since I was 18 and he was 19. We met at a party at my sister's house back in Spokane. At the time, I was in a really bad relationship that had become severely toxic and unsafe. When I met Derek, though, I could tell that he was respectful to women and I could tell right away that I liked him. I left my then-boyfriend, moved back to Spokane from Seattle and started hanging out more with my sister and her friends - including Derek.

After about three months of being friends, we started dating and eventually in January of 2001, became solid boyfriend-girlfriend. Yes my friends - that was 11.5 years ago. We moved pretty quick - in May of 2001, I got my own place and spent approximately 3 nights by myself before Derek officially moved in. By November 2001, we were engaged and in August 2002, we got married. This August, we'll be married for a solid decade. In that time, we've definitely grown up quite a bit. I mean - we were 18/19 when we started dating and 20/21 when we got married. We were babies! When I hear about people now getting married that young, I cringe and think - but they're SO young! Then I remember that's how young we were, and it makes me just shake my head. Usually when people get married so young, the relationship doesn't last. I have to say, though, Derek and I are still going strong.

We've had our share of ups and downs, but I think the most important thing is that we enjoy each other and love each other. And we respect each other. He has been my rock and my biggest supporter for so many things - from pursuing my bachelors degree, my masters degree, to losing weight, being there for me when I re-gained it, through cross-country moves, through our extended families all leaving Spokane, the birth of two kids...he's been there through it all. Loving me unconditionally (even when I had crazy pregnancy hormones that made me a complete mess!). I hope I have been as accepting and loving as he has.

I just wanted to post about my amazing husband who has sacrificed so much so that we can have the life we do today. He works a full time job, and then comes home and does freelance work (28 hours a month), and still finds time to make me happy by completely a lengthy honey-do list and playing with the kids. I don't know if I say it enough, but I truly am appreciative of him providing for us and being an amazing husband and father. Love that man!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!

Since becoming a mostly stay at home mom (I work from home about 10 hours a week), there are some days that are really rough. Where the kids are whining, crying, angry, acting out, etc and I just want to throw in the towel, find a full time job and put the kids in daycare. And then there are days - like today - where I wouldn't give up being a stay at home mom for anything. My kids are being AWESOME and completely loving. It's wonderful. I think I've been a little stressed (understatement much??) and haven't taken the time to really appreciate their wonderfulness.

Moving is a stressful time for parents, but it's also really stressful on kids - even if they are only toddlers. This is our second move in six months, and I know it's going to be an adjustment for them. And they really don't like the fact that I'm packing things from their rooms. I also think it freaked them out the other day when my husband and I were talking to them about the move and were asking them if they wanted to take our cats with them to the new house. Danny has been telling me today that he wants to take 'Bastien (sebastien), Chester, and Stitch with us' and it makes me think that maybe our innocent question made him nervous that we weren't originally going to take them. 

So today, I've mostly just been hanging out with them playing. We played outside twice, played dinosaurs and cars, watched a movie, read some books, and just enjoyed each others company. It's been lovely. And it's kind of taken my mind (slightly) off of my stress and I needed that. For reals. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Just keep swimming

I really, really, really wish I was not a high-strung, Type A person....but I am. I keep having waves of freak-out moments about moving, followed by calm. And then more freaking out. Luckily, my husband is a great partner and is willing to take on some of the work too. I just need to remind myself of that and to delegate tasks, which is sometimes easier said than done.

Anyway, I got SO much done yesterday and stayed up pretty late doing it. Now I'm tired and can't believe it's already 10:30 am and I haven't even started on my to-do list for today. Well, I've half finished a lot of projects but that's about it. I feel good about what I have finished though! Today I have to do some work, go to the post-office, schedule a time to pick up keys/drop off final payments for house, gather up everything to go to Goodwill (and I'm donating some to the mommas in my meet-up group), and pack some more boxes. I'm down to packing up the kitchenware and knick-knacks today so that'll probably take a little bit more time.

Tomorrow I am going to hang out with my mom's group and then Thursday we are getting a new fridge. For our current house. Just as we're about to leave, the fridge crapped out and the freezer will not keep ANYTHING cold. So the owner's had to buy a new fridge. Too bad we'll only get to use it for like a day before we move. Oh well, I guess it'll be one less thing to clean out when we move! We have to buy a fridge for our new house, too. The appliances there are all black and I'm not really all that fond of that, but oh well. Whatcha gonna do?

Anyway, gotta get busy and not sitting here typing on the computer :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Goodbye Lady of America

I've been checking things off my to-do list since I got up this morning at 6:45am. I have so much to do in the next couple of days, that it's a little overwhelming! But, gauging from my progress today, I'd say that I have it in me to get a lot done :) I packed up a ton of boxes already, and am very much ready for the big move. I packed up my scale yesterday, and I'm hoping that wasn't a bad move just because I tend to over-eat when my scale is not there to keep me in check.

I also cancelled my gym membership today. I've been going to Lady of America in Rockwall, but there isn't one near McKinney, so I was able to cancel my membership. However, they are charging me 20% of my remaining contract fees to cancel - even though when I signed up the girl who took my money/did my contract assured me that there would be no cancellation fees if I moved 25 miles from the nearest gym (the guy on the phone this morning said my house was 30 miles from the closest one). I am feeling pretty cheated (it's close to $150!) , but the rep on the phone was adamant that I'd have to pay. When I did some research on the place online, basically everyone said that they are HORRIBLE to work with and people have had all sorts of problems cancelling their memberships there. It makes me a little sad because I've been going there for six months now, and I (for the most part) really liked it. It makes me sad to leave with such a bad experience.

But on that same note, I am now looking for a new gym! This time I plan to look at more than just one gym and to get multiple quotes and then before I sign any contracts to use the gym's "free pass" that most gyms offer for the first week to see if you like the gym. The YMCA and Lifetime Fitness sound really cool, but I know they will be around $70 - $75 a month. I'd like to keep it around $50 - $65, so I'm really going to have to search for what I can afford. Both the YMCA and Lifetime Fitness, though, have other perks for being a member (I know the Y's swim lessons and other kid-related classes are cheaper for members) so I need to consider that as well. Guess I'll add that to my to-do list as well.

Now I have to go do some work. Sometimes it is SOOOO hard to motivate yourself to work when you work from home. I have a lot of work to do, before the month is over (2 grants to write and a big report), but getting in the work mindset can sometimes be so very rough. Especially when I want to use my 2-3 hours when Piper naps to work when I really want to be relaxing and enjoying a little alone time (since Danny usually takes P's naptime as a rest time). It's hard being a work-from-home mom!

Friday, June 1, 2012

A New Place to Call Home

Well, I looked at three houses today, and two of them were pretty nice. One of those though, was already taken, and the other one had an application in. Crap! My new realtor called the property manager/realtor from the house with the application in, and it turns out that the applicant had two big dogs and the owners weren't crazy about renting to big-dog owners. So, I filled out the application and we were approved!


The house is a 4 bedroom, 2 bath with two living room areas (one of which is now a play room), a community pool complete with a splash pad and an adjacent playground, and it's in McKinney. Oh - and it's about a 10 minute drive from my husband's work rather than a 45 minute drive. Could not be happier! I was totally nervous about putting in the application because Derek couldn't come with me, so he signed off on it sight unseen. I can't help but question if he will/will not like it. I'm sure he will, right??

We move in on June 15 - which will be a week before we have massive amounts of family come to town and then we all drive down to San Antonio for vacation. I'm hoping that doesn't make it an extremely stressful move. Anyway, off to bed!

It's Friday Already??

I don't know where the time is going. But it's going quickly! I have about five minutes to blog (while I'm waiting to make sure Miss P actually stays in her room for her nap) before I have to go change out of sweaty gym clothes and get ready to go look at rental houses. So, here goes!

1. Our current property owners have decided to let us go month-to-month on our lease so that can have more time to look for a house.
2. We have a new realtor. Did I tell you this already?? Anyway, she rocks, and I'm going to meet her to go look at more houses today. Some in Allen, and some in McKinney.
3. Having 3 cats really limits the amount of houses you can look at. So does wanting a 4 bedroom house.
4. Went to eat at Fireside Pies on Wednesday night with my sister. The first pizza they brought out had big bubbles in it, so they made us another one...and let us keep the bubbly one. Score! Free extra pizza :) Oh, and if you go to Fireside Pies, get the pizza fondue. OMG! Amazing! I could just go there and order that.
5. Going to go see Cars 2 outdoors tonight in Rockwall. They do an outdoor movie every Friday in June. Pretty cool, huh? I hope it is fun - and not too crazy. Derek is not sure he'll be able to make it and two kids outdoors *might* be a little crazy if there are a ton of people.
6. I've been going to the gym. Haven't started running again, but have done some biking and walking. Feeling good and really strong. Love it!
7. The Patriot Half race director sent out a message and is offering half price registration for yesterday and today only. That's a half marathon for $22.50. Holy Crap! I totally signed up for it and can't wait to run it next Memorial Day. If you are interested in using the discount - the code is "2012" and, yes, they said I could share the code. But hurry, because it expires today - June 1. Register here. It's in Rockwall, TX, by the way, and is a fun, hilly course.