Sunday, April 22, 2012

Past my Bedtime

On Friday, I ended up going out with my sister to see 21 Jump Street. It was SO funny! Seriously, I laughed pretty much the whole movie. I had kind of expected it to be an action movie, but was pleasantly surprised that it was a comedy. We had gone to Studio Movie Grill, and I had eaten a 97% fat free hot dog and enough watermelon to feed a small country before I left, but there food sounded soooo good. So I gave in. After I ordered it, I immediately started kicking myself. Why did I order that??? I ordered four mini sliders; with the intention of eating two. But I had also ordered a SMG Tea (alcoholic), so that clouded my judgement. And the I ordered another one, and my evening of healthy eating was shot. I ate all four sliders AND the fries. Sometimes I just feel like I am completely sabatoging myself and it makes me so incredibly frustrated and angry at myself. It's so easy to slip back into old habits. And it usually happens on the weekends. I saw this on HungryRunnerGirl and thought it was pretty spot on.

Anyway, after the movie, we went back to my sister's house (her friend had come out with us) and played Scattegories for hours. I mean HOURS! I ended up heading home around 2:15 am. About 5 hours past my normal bedtime. It was also one of my best friend in Spokane's birthday, so I was getting text updates pretty regularly from my friends giving me a play by play of the night. I was very happy to be included - made me feel like I was right there!

The bad news about staying over at my sister's house until 2:15 am, was that I didn't get back to my house and in bed until close to 3am. And then Thing 1 and Thing 2 woke up at 7:15 am. I was pretty much exhausted the whole day yesterday and just lounged on the couch. I know. Exciting. I was also feeling pretty miserable with a sore throat and cold that my husband passed on to me. It was probably a good thing I was tired because normally I would have been up and doing things even though I felt bad. This made me rest. Plus, as a bonus, my husband cleaned out my front closet (had become a shoe dumping ground - seriously, he probably took out 15 pairs of my shoes that I wear only occasionally), did the dishes, took out the trash, and picked up the kids' toys. My sister came over after supper and her and I (mostly her though), cleaned up the kids' rooms. It's nice that even though I was laid up on the couch, my house is pretty clean. Yeah!

My sister had come over to watch the new show Girls. We both liked it, although I honestly don't know what all the fuss was about. I had ready some articles about lewd scenes (well, hello, it's on HBO for a reason) and how inappropriate it was that one of the main characters had said she could be the voice of her generation (the article I read wanted to know how a white, upper middle class woman could be the voice of a generation; really? Can't ANYONE be the voice of a generation???). I thought it was an interesting show, but really I'm going to give it a few more episodes to see if I really, truly like it. The first episode seemed short and unresolved. I like nice, clean endings in shows.

Anyway, it's hockey play off time at my house, so my TV will be taken over today. I've been debating going to Hobby Lobby to get some supplies and doing a few decorating things I found online. I sometimes feel like my house is decorated like a bachelor pad. I've been getting very, very bored starring at my white walls every day. One of the bad things about a six month rental is that we can't paint the walls. It. Is. Killing. Me. Our house in Spokane was bright and colorful. Piper's room had a mural in it that Derek had hand-drawn on her wall. Danny had blue sky, green grass, and a road painted onto the walls so his cars had a place to drive on. Our bedroom was a soft green that was so incredibly soothing. And our living room was a Red, White, and Blue room with blue walls, a white couch, and red accents. We started looking online at rental properties yesterday in the Allen area. They were gorgeous. And about $400 more than we are currently paying for rent per month. Derek won't have to spend a small fortune on gas and tolltags though to get to work, so that'll help cover some of that gap. He's looking at cutting his commute by 20 - 30 minutes.

Well, I'm going to sit on my couch and read blogs and eat toast with homemade pepper jelly (thanks to my Granny who brought me some of her yummy, delicious, home-farmed, home-canned goods - pepper jelly and bread and butter pickles). Hopefully at some point I will feel up to getting off the couch :)

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