Thursday, March 22, 2012

What I've been up to....

The last few days I have been feeling L-A-Z-Y. It's been nice, except for the guilt of not doing much of anything. I have a lot to do too. Lots of cleaning to do, lots of preschool stuff to do, and lots of exercise I should be doing.

I decided to rest and take it easy so that my leg could get some healing time in before my race on Sunday. It is working - my leg is feeling quite a bit better. However, I am *itching* to run. Like creepy-crawly's in my legs screaming to RUN!! So, I'm really excited for my race. But I haven't worked out at all. Since like forever ago. Going to the gym is sometimes the only time I leave the house (okay, for the most part, it is the only time I get out of the house), and since I haven't been going, I've been just lounging around the house on the couch. Maybe I've been lounging in my pajamas for most of the day. And maybe, just maybe, I've been lounging on the couch and not showering. Oh yeah - I'm sexxxy and I know it!

And when I don't exercise, it seems my motivation for eating healthy goes out the window. So not only have I not been working out, but I've been eating some pretty (un)healthy portions as well. Like last night, I was craving some pizza and ended up eating an entire medium pizza by myself. Whoops! I've been doing better today, but, MAN! My stomach hurt yesterday from so much pizza. Like my body was reminding me of what a dumb move that was. I really, really want to be in the 160's by 3/31 (my birthday!!), so I'm really going to have to step up my game and eat healthy. Today, when I weighed myself (I always do a mid-week weigh in on Thursdays), I was at 172.4. Which is pretty much where I started the week at. So I guess God is wiping my slate clean and letting me start over. Thanks Big Guy! I needed that!!

Preschool has been going so-so. I've been reading to the kiddos, and we've been eating "bunny snacks," but until today, I've been taking it a bit too easy this week. But, today, I was back at it. Today, my Mom sent me a package of all the printouts from Oopsey Daisy's blog. They are super cute! We played "Magic Eggs" from her "E is for Easter" packet, read books, and then D and I talked about the days of the week. His favorite day of the week is Saturday because Daddy is home on Saturday's. Awwww! He is the sweetest little boy!!

So, what have I been doing if I haven't been running, planning out meals, or teaching little D and P preschool?

  • I finished Book 3 of the Game of Thrones series. Wow! There were some scenes where I just wanted to say OMG and tell my husband what was going on. BUT, he's watching the show and not reading the books, and I do not want to spoil those surprises. I seriously am in love with that series. I was reading online book reviews of the next book, though, and it seems like people didn't really like it *sad* So, now I'm looking for another book to read. 
  • Catching up on episodes of Walking Dead. Yowzer! That show threw in some curve balls. I mean, Dang! I do think I watch just a few too many zombie/vampire/supernatural type shows. There's True Blood, Being Human, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones...even Once Upon a Time (while not zombies or vampires, there are supernatural elements!). 
  • And speaking of vampires, I finally watched the latest installment of the Twilight movies. It was better than what I thought it was going to be, but I'm still not 100% sold on Twilight. Even after reading all of the books, and watching all the movies that are out. RPats is cute and all, but his hair bothers me, and I have a hard time getting over that. 
  • Reading blogs and articles on running and injuries and injury prevention. And races. I look at races. 
  • I registered for the Patriot Half Marathon on Memorial Day in Rockwall, TX. This will be my first half with rolling hills - hope I do okay on that one. I'm hoping to run the race completely with no stopping for walking. 
  • I registered for the New Year's Double at Celebration Park in Allen, TX: a marathon on New Year's Eve and a 5k on New Year's Day. It'll be my first full marathon, and a great way to end my Year of Racing. Woo-hoo! I plan to run (or at least, mostly run) the marathon, and then completely walk the 5k the next day.  I don't know if I'm crazy to do a double, but you get a cool commemorative plate that both of your medals go into. Isn't that cool? Totally worth being sore and not able to move on January 2nd. Right?? 
So, you can, tell, I've been really busy. And I totally have my priorities straight. 

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