Sunday, March 18, 2012

Busy Days

What a busy last couple of days! I can't believe that we have crammed so much stuff into just the last few days. Thursday after I got P up from her restless nap (well, it was more like she was in her room dumping buckets of plastic toy food all over her room and putting on her princess dresses. It was an awful messy nap!), and decided that we were just going. Getting out of the house in order to make Momma a little less crazy.

                                           I know - they are cuties. Love these guys - we're ready to go on an adventure!

We started our fun at the St. Patrick's Day library cake walk. They had all kinds of characters there dressed up - P was a little terrified, but D was all about them! He even followed (aka stalked) the Dewey the Duck character in order to dance with the duck. It was really cute. He kept following him, and following him, dancing the whole time. Then at the end, he bonked the duck on the tail! Silly boy! The cake walk was pretty awesome - P won on the first go-round and we went inside the library and picked up a pretty awesome set of mini-cupcakes. The kids were completely stoked, and I was happy with the share-ability of the cupcakes (Momma needed some sugar!).

After our winning, we ventured on to Lofland Park over in Rockwall. We'd never been here, but it looked pretty cool so we decided to give it a shot. The main play structure is a train, so D immediately loved it. P had a little trouble because it was really built for older kids (and of course she HAD to do whatever big brother was doing!). The train play structure ended up having a nest of red wasps (another critter for me to loathe!) and the Park and Rec maintenance guys showed up to remove it, so we hightailed it over to the other little play  area with a single slide, a jungle gym thing, and a carousel spinner thing (does this have a real name?). P totally biffed it off the end of the slide and got a mouthful of bark and some minor scratches on her face. She immediately got back up and went back down the slide. That girl LOVES the slide. D fell in love with the carousel thing and wanted to spin and spin and spin.

The P after she fell off the bottom of the slide. 

After that, it was ice cream at Braum's and then off to the gym for my 5 mile run (which went awesome!). We ended the day by discovering that on our adventures, we had lost P's beloved blankie. So, we spent the next hour tracking it down. Turns out she had put it in the gym's play area's toy fridge. Of all places?!?

Friday was a day spent with me finishing up a big work-from-home project and then my mom came to visit. Saturday morning we woke up somewhat early. The hubs and I had planned to go to the DMV and get our licenses, but they are closed on Saturdays (boo), so we decided to go out to lunch at a place called Hoolihans and then to see The Lorax movie. Lunch was phenomenal! I got a turkey wrap and a side salad. I was completely full and felt good about eating healthy. The movie was so cute and bright and colorful and spring-ish. And it made me want to go plant a tree. Or a bush. Or a flower. Or...something. Only I suck at watering plants, which is somewhat vital to their survival (so I've been told) so I knew better than to plant and then kill a cute little tree/bush/flower/thing.We also went shopping and bought the kids coordinating Easter outfits. Let me just tell you, my kids are going to be so flippin' cute!!                                                                                              
And yes, my children are both trying to run away. Good thing I have the Mommy death grip or else we'd be in serious trouble! This was their second movie in a movie theater. 

I totally botched the diet last night by getting some Chinese takeout (why oh why did I do that???). I haven't gone running since Thursday, and the way my kids are behaving has me thinking that it is not looking likely for today either. The hubs is currently outside playing soccer with D while the P sleeps. Hoping that D working off some energy and P having a nap will make them less of a handful, but I'm not being overly hopeful. They have been at each other all morning. Oh toddlers!!

P has a hacking cough that doesn't seem to be going away. She's had it for almost a week now too. I think we will take it easy the next few days and see if she feels any better. I bought some honey elixer/natural cough suppressant stuff and she has been taking that since yesterday. She looks a little better, but her behavior has gone downhill fast. Does that mean she's better?? She keeps saying her head hurts, too, so I've given her a little tylenol. I know sometimes when I cough a lot it gives me a headache big time. Hoping that it's just that and not a sinus infection. Guess if she's not better by next week, we'll be headed to the doctor.

Oh, and did I mention, this time next week, I will be recovering from a half marathon??!!?? Crazy days.

Happy St. Patty's Day! And yes, my kids look like zombies. I was trying to get them to sit nicely for a picture, so I turned on Bubble Guppies. Big mistake. They look like cute zombies :)

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