Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Weigh IN

I did my Monday morning weigh in this morning, and to my surprise, I only gained .6 pounds from last week. The reason I was surprised at so little a gain was because the last two days I have just been eating, eating, eating! Last night KL came over, and we made the best chicken I've had in a while. It was SO delicious! It was Mexican Chicken with Jalepeno Popper Sauce. And that sauce was to die for. I was eating the sauce by the spoonful. I could've licked the bowl it was so good. I do have some leftover sauce, and I'm thinking of using it to make nachos later in the week. I can just imagine how good it'll taste!

After that yummy, yummy supper, we all decided that cake sounded good. So we went to Albertsons and bought a fudge frosted chocolate cake, some brownie bites sprinkled with powdered sugar, and two cartons of ice cream (it was buy one get one FREE and you can't have cake without ice cream. Right??). And home we went for some delicious-ness. I ended up having a few spoonsfuls of ice cream, but two medium/large pieces of cake and about 6 brownie bites. I hadn't counted points pretty much all day, and knew that I was WAY over. Plus, I didn't go to the gym. So that is why I'm surprised at such a small gain. I imagined gaining like 5 pounds.

So, today, is my get back on track day. I'm determined to still be 169 by my birthday, so now I have a little extra to lose before I get there. Depending on when the hubs gets home, I'm going to try and do my 10 mile run tonight. P woke up coughing and hacking and gagging, so I decided to not even take her out to the gym. We're going to have a pajama day and just relax. We're currently watching Dora the Explorer - one of her favorite shows. We've already read her favorite Dora book about 12 times (it's only 5 pages long!), and I have plans to watch her cowgirl Dora DVD later. It's a big Dora day I guess :)

For pre-school today, we are moving on to the theme of Easter, the letter E, and the color Purple. If you haven't already checked out Oopsey Daisy's blog, do it now for some great pre-school activities and lesson plans. Today, we are reading some Easter books (including a Christ-centered Easter story), playing an Easter egg alphabet matching game (wrote capital and small letters on plastic eggs, and D has to try to match up the capital and small letters to make a match), and singing some Easter songs. I'm really excited for Friday because we are watching HOP and eating bunny snacks (my Mom found some jelly belly jelly beans shaped like peas and carrots, I have carrots, a reece's pieces packet shaped in a carrot, and celery).

And my Dad is coming on Saturday! I haven't seen him since my grandfather's funeral 15 months ago. I took P with me to the funeral, and she turned 6 months old while we were there. The last time my Dad saw D was about 19 months ago. My Dad won't even know what to do with these grown up children! My Dad and KL are running the half marathon with me on Sunday, too. He heads back on Monday, and then he is coming down to Dallas in mid-April with my grandma. I can't wait for that visit, because they are coming for a full week. It's amazing how much you can miss your family! I just can't wait to show them how wonderful my kids are, because I gotta say...they are pretty amazing!

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