Thursday, June 21, 2012

Setting Your Own Pace

I went out with my new (ish) running group last night. I say it's a new (ish) running group because I originally joined about a month or two ago, but haven't been able to go since I joined. Well, I went once with the kids but that turned out B-A-D. Last Wednesday I went, but didn't RSVP and so was not told the group was cancelled due to a hail storm that went through the Plano/McKinney area. I still ran last week, but it was by myself and I mostly walked and talked on the phone to my sister. So when I got there last night, I was really excited that there were 5 other women ready to run as well.

It was 90+ degrees outside, so the women said that they wanted to go "slow" at about an 11 minute mile. I told them that 12 minute miles was my fast pace. Eek! The whole reason I joined the group was to work on my pace, so maybe it's good that they are way faster. I am just competitive enough to push myself a little further than I would normally when I am with a group.

We started running and I went to start my Garmin and I guess I pressed something funky because I couldn't get it to reset from my last run and I only messed with it for a minute and then gave up. We ran the first mile at an 11 minute pace. And I kept up! I couldn't really talk much and I was huffing and puffing away, but I kept up. At about 1.25 miles, though, I had to walk. I watched the group get further and further away. One other girl started to walk too and as I walked and then ran and then walked again, the other girl got further and further behind me. When I was probably about 1.75 miles in, I decided to turn on my Garmin just so that I could pace myself.

It was really, really a struggle to pace myself in 90+ degree weather and having tired legs and feeling kind of like a failure because I couldn't keep up with the rest of my group. I had to constantly remind myself that just because I was having to break and walk that there was nothing wrong with me. I am still a runner, and really the problem was that I started too fast and wore myself out. I should have started my Garmin immediately and paced myself and kept my 12 - 12:30 minute pace that I've been working on and not tried to prove something to the rest of the group by keeping up with their pace. I'm just not there yet.

Running is just as much of a mental sport as a physical one. That's part of the reason I love it - especially distance running. You have to pace yourself and tell yourself over and over that you CAN do the distance and you really have to work to make sure you are not overdoing it too early. But when those negative thoughts creep in, they can really be a detriment to your run. And when it's Texas hot out there, and you just feel like giving up and walking entirely, that can be a detriment to your run as well! I think yesterday the only thing that kept pushing me was that I didn't want the girl who was behind me to pass me. I'm competitive like that, but at the same time I felt bad for her because if I was feeling this crappy, I bet she wasn't far behind me.

I finished my 4 miles and met up with the rest of the group and we all chatted for a minute. They asked me how I felt and I was honest - I wasn't as fast as I thought I would be and I was incredibly hot. The funny thing was, they all said the same thing. Then I didn't feel so bad about my crappy time (I think it took me almost an hour to the 4 miles). On the way home I started to think about it, though, and I was quite proud of myself. I learned a new lesson about pacing myself when running with a group, I got out there and RAN, and I hopefully made some friends in the process that like doing something that I like doing as well. And really, I do want to increase my speed and hopefully these more experienced ladies can help me find ways to do this. I'm going back on Saturday for a long run (hoping for 8 or 9 miles). I will be smarter this time and go at my own pace. And I will bring a towel so I can wipe the sweat off my face because goodness gracious - sweat in the eyes was NO fun. I kind of feel that I'm learning to run all over again by starting to run outside instead of on a treadmill. It's a totally different experience. One that I love!


  1. I've always wanted to join a run group but am nervous about the pace too! It's great that you stuck with it. Running in heat is no joke. And don't worry, I know plenty of people who run 12+ minute miles!

  2. If you ever want to meet up with us, I can email you the info. They usually meet in Plano on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Saturday group had some ladies with a slower pace and it was much better :)
