Sunday, July 1, 2012

Toddlers, Vacation, and Back to Reality

It has been a whirl-wind past week. My brother, aunt, two cousins, mom, and step-dad all came to Dallas for a little visit/vacation. They all got in, we went and saw Brave in 3D. We actually bought regular tickets and got all of our popcorn, pop, and candy, went into the line to get into the theater and realized we bought online tickets for another theater. Oh snap! The good people at Cinemark were totally awesome though and let us stay for the next showing of the movie - which happened to be in 3D. They didn't even make us pay the difference. Isn't that nice of them?? The movie itself was okay. A little on the scary side for my little ones, but they still seemed to enjoy it.

The next morning we got up and went to San Antonio. We visited Schlitterbahn, Sea World, the Riverwalk, and celebrated my little baby girls second birthday with a party in San Antonio. We did all of this, too, in 103+ degree weather. It was H-O-T! But it was so much fun!! (I plan on doing some individual posts about each outing we did....I just need to catch up on my running posts too!) After all of that fun, we came back to Dallas and went to the American Girl Store for tea. Piper LOVED this. They gave her a little high chair for her Bitty Baby. She thought that was pretty amazing. She was pretty cute. To even out all that girliness, we went to a Texas Rangers game on Friday night. The game went surprisingly quick and the kids did awesome.  We stayed for fireworks after the game, and things kind of fell apart then, but overall the kids did good. Everyone left this morning which has made our house seem pretty quiet. It's alarming how LOUD four kids can be!!

And beautiful little girl turned two today. How is my baby two already?? She is the best little girl and now she is officially a toddler. And soon she'll be as big as her brother. I seriously miss having her be in the baby phase, but at the same time, I am loving how she is finding her personality and voicing her opinions and showing just how bossy she is. She is turning into a beautiful little ladybug.

Now that we have had a family visit, a vacation, and a birthday, it's back to reality for us tomorrow. We've had so much going on recently to make our lives hectic (ie, big move, family, vacay, etc). I can't wait for things to feel normal again!!!

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