Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!

Since becoming a mostly stay at home mom (I work from home about 10 hours a week), there are some days that are really rough. Where the kids are whining, crying, angry, acting out, etc and I just want to throw in the towel, find a full time job and put the kids in daycare. And then there are days - like today - where I wouldn't give up being a stay at home mom for anything. My kids are being AWESOME and completely loving. It's wonderful. I think I've been a little stressed (understatement much??) and haven't taken the time to really appreciate their wonderfulness.

Moving is a stressful time for parents, but it's also really stressful on kids - even if they are only toddlers. This is our second move in six months, and I know it's going to be an adjustment for them. And they really don't like the fact that I'm packing things from their rooms. I also think it freaked them out the other day when my husband and I were talking to them about the move and were asking them if they wanted to take our cats with them to the new house. Danny has been telling me today that he wants to take 'Bastien (sebastien), Chester, and Stitch with us' and it makes me think that maybe our innocent question made him nervous that we weren't originally going to take them. 

So today, I've mostly just been hanging out with them playing. We played outside twice, played dinosaurs and cars, watched a movie, read some books, and just enjoyed each others company. It's been lovely. And it's kind of taken my mind (slightly) off of my stress and I needed that. For reals. 

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