Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Perfect Day and an Early Morning

Yesterday was just one of those perfect days. I got up, went to the gym and ran 6.5 miles on the treadmill. The run felt awesome - I was just in the zone. Then the childcare area at the gym closed so I had to pick up Thing 1 and Thing 2 and head home. I felt like I could've done 4 or 5 more miles, so was a little bummed but got over it quickly because I discovered my new favorite meal: a salad with two slices of crumbled bacon, sliced grapes, tomato, onion, green bell pepper and the most amazing ingredient of all - Feta Cheese. Holy Cow! Feta cheese rocks!! It totally made my salad super delicious. I actually bought Feta by accident when I was trying to buy blue cheese. It turned out to be a very happy accident :)

After lunch, I put the P down for a nap (after she fell asleep on the couch) and did 3 hours of work. I'm working on some grants for work, and I made some good progress, which felt really nice. As soon as P woke up from her nap (she seriously napped for 3 hours!), I packed up the kids and we headed to Springfield Park. This is by far one of my new favorite spots in Rowlett. There is a walking/jogging trail around a little lake with ducks, various bugs, and lots of fish I'm guessing by the number of fishermen/women who were out yesterday. There is also a playground that the kids seem to really like. We walked two miles and then hit up the playground. It was warm outside but not ridiculously hot. Oh, and as an added bonus, just as I was getting the kids in the stroller for our walk, and ice cream truck rolled into the park and I picked up to popscicles for the kids to eat as I walked. They were coated in sticky red melted popsicle, but they really enjoyed their treat and I enjoyed being able to walk in peace.

My sweet girl was so tired!

Post walk and playground running around, we made a pit stop at Wal-Mart for milk and bread and then headed home. Danny fell asleep literally as I was pulling into the driveway. I pulled him out of the carseat and he mumbled something about going to play in the backyard and fell back asleep. I put him to bed then - at 6:45 pm - knowing the I would regret that later. I made some yummy grilled chicken and had a nice night hanging out with my little girl. We ate supper, read some books, played in her toy kitchen, and then watched an episode of Bubble Guppies. I love spending one on one time with her! She went to bed and I caught up on Grey's Anatomy and Once Upon a Time episodes after cleaning up the kitchen. Just a really good day :)

As I predicted, Danny woke up this morning at 3am. So, I'm a little tired - and I'm sure he is too. I weighed in at 171.6 this morning (so freaking close to those 160's!!). I am planning on going to the gym for some cross  training today and then I'm meeting my running group for the first time tonight for a 4 mile run/walk. I'm taking the kids in the stroller (and praying that they last 4 miles!) and planning on walking. My sister is coming too, so I'll have someone to walk with if everyone else runs.

Oh, and we are officially looking for a new rental house! Our realtor has sent us a few different listings and we are going to look at them next Thursday. We are planning to move to Allen or Plano and I just can't wait to be closer to the cities where we do most of our living/shopping. Being out here in the 'country' in Rowlett has been nice, but I'm ready to not have to drive 25 - 35 minutes every time we plan to do something or want to see my sister. The only downside is that I have to switch gyms. I go to a women's only gym in Rockwall, and have an 18 month contract (with about 12 months left on it). According to their policy, I have to continue going to one of their gyms when I move - even though the closest one will be about 15 miles away. Kind of bummed about that, but I'm sure it'll turn out good! I just wish there was one closer so that I wouldn't have to drive so far to work out.

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