Tuesday, July 10, 2012

26.2, 26.2: I'm Dreaming of You!

I feel like lately all of my thoughts have been consumed with three little numbers (and one decimal point): 26.2.

One of the ladies in my running group is planning on doing her first marathon on October 7, the Tyler Rose Marathon in Tyler, TX. I have had my marathon training plan taped to my fridge for (no joke!) 8 months now. I have looked it over and over and over; psyching myself up for this monumental race. When the Tyler Rose Marathon came up during a run, I came home and looked over my training plan. And guess what? I have just enough time to train for this race. Like exactly enough time. I had planned on the New Year's Double (full marathon on New Year's Eve followed by a 5k on New Year's Day) being my first full marathon. But for the past week, I have been really considering the Tyler Rose Marathon as my first. I feel nervous, excited, and a little bit scared. Can I really do this?? And if I can do it, should I do it when I have already signed up for the New Year's Double? Two marathons in the span of three months. Is that crazy??

My final decision has been to wait to sign up for the race until closer to race day. Then I'll be able to see where my training has led me and if doing the full mary is really something I am capable of doing in October. I have also been considering a trip to Nashville to see my side of the family and a trip to Maryland to see Derek's mom's side of the family (who have never met our kids!) sometime in the fall, so I'm not sure how those two events will fit in with a long distance running training plan. I really don't have much wiggle room (okay, so NONE to be exact) in my training plan so I would either need to take the trips after October 7 or just make sure I am running during the trips. Oh running, who knew I would love you so much and that you would take over my life the way that you have??

The number 26.2 is also in my thoughts in regard to weightloss. About 3 weeks ago, I joined the Run With Jess Marathon Weight Loss Challenge (the challenge is officially closed to new members; yes, I'm a bad blogger and didn't post it to my blog for all of you to see and sign up for!). The challenge is basically a group weight loss effort to lose the equivalent of a full marathon (ie, lose 26.2 pounds) during a 13 week time frame. For sending in your weekly weight, you are eligible for prizes. I started this the week before our San Antonio vacation. I lost the first week, then gained during vacation, and then lost last week so I'm down 2.6 pounds total for the three weeks we have been doing the challenge. If I actually reach the goal of losing a marathon, I will be at the weight I was before I got preggers with Miss Piper. Even if I lost a half marathon (13.1 pounds), I would be ecstatic. For that matter, any weight I lose makes me happy. 

I'm doing weight watchers (on my own  - not going to meetings so that I can save money. I'm technically still a Lifetime Member, so I just need to get back to a weight within two pounds of my goal weight - 159 - so that I can go back to meetings for free) to eat healthy and have been setting weekly mini goals for myself (drink x amount of water, eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day, positive self talk, etc) to challenge myself a little more. I know weight watchers works (I lost 60 pounds with it back in 2005 and kept it off for about a year before work and grad school got the best of me and I stopped going to weight watchers meetings). I just need to follow it so that I can lose. The Marathon Challenge time frame is tight though, so I'm not sure if I'll actually lose 26.2 pounds. 15 - 20 sounds more reasonable to me. Still....26.2 would be nice!

So I've been thinking of 26.2 constantly and eating right and exercising and basically telling myself that there is no room for error in this one. I need to be - and stay - strong. Through family and friend visits. Through moms night's out. Through play dates. Through rain, heat, humidity, and any other weather related challenges Texas throws my way. Through my own self-doubt. I've said it before, but running - and weight loss - is primarily a mental game. I just need to push through the next 10 weeks...and then I can start training for the New Year's Double :) 


  1. if you come to Maryland in October, let's meet up! FOR REAL! the kiddos can meet, too! :-) i think you should just do the NYE marathon, it's the one you set a goal for, the one you're registered for. and i think if you try to do the one in october, you might injure yourself trying to get ready faster, you will probably get super stressed with those out of state trips, etc. you will finish the marathon and you'll feel amazing after, either way you choose, though!

    1. Yes!! When I know more details I'll let you know. We'll be flying stand-by so dates are kind of vague still. As for the running, now I'm just focused on my upcoming half marathon and will see how I feel about the full after that (in August). I think I'm just anxious to cross it off of my "to-do" list :)

  2. I used a combination of a Johns Hopkins training plan and Hal Higdon's novice marathon training plan for my marathon, and it was excellent. So excited for you!

  3. I think you should do both marathons, and then the 50k next year! :) Of course, it's a good idea to wait and see if you feel ready. Good luck with training!
