Saturday, September 8, 2012

Long distance runner

Life as usual has been super busy! Danny started preschool two weeks ago and seems to be thriving there. He's had a few sad starts - lots of tears and hugs. But he always is happy when I come pick him up. And that's all that matters! He learned a super cute blessing for food/drink in chapel and surprisingly remembers the whole thing. Except when he says 'bless' he's actually saying yes :) guess we need to work on those word differences!

In other Danny boy news, my little guy ran his first race on Labor Day! It was a 1k race and he ran the entire thing. I was super, super proud. He was kind of sucking wind towards the end, but overall he did really well. They gave all the little ones medals for finishing and that totally made his day. My mom made him a cute sign that said Run Danny Run on it. We hung the medal and sign in his room so he could show off his race bling. I'm signing him up for another race in October. Can't wait!

After Danny's race I turned around and ran a 10k. It was hot. It was hilly. And it sucked. Big time. I finished in about 1 hour, 15 minutes. I wasn't very happy with my time or how I felt during the race (I have a good ole injury - more on that in a minute). The only redeeming parts of this race was that I finished and that Danny and Piper ran me in. It was awesome! They were so excited to see mommy running and to join in with me. We all finished with smiles on our faces :) I had never had anyone there to cheer me on. It really made that rough crappy course worth it.

The good news is that I have one more race behind me. My next race is September 22 in Nashville. It's a half marathon and I'm hoping to at least finish in 2:40. We will see though. I ended up going to the doctor for my hip pain and was diagnosed with piriformis syndrome and a strained hip flexor. The doctor is letting me continue running as long as i still feel good while running. She ordered physical therapy for 4 weeks : / the doctor did write on my pt referral form that I was a long distance runner. I guess it is official that (1) I am a runner and (2) I am a LONG distance runner!! A doctor wrote it so it must be true :)


  1. I saw your comment on my blog about the race and I'm wishing we had got to meet each other! Next time I'll have to check with you when I run a local race :) It was sooo hilly, that was the same spot I ran my first ever half and I thought I was going to die when the first 2 miles were straight uphill :) I love how you get the kids involved, makes it fun for the whole family! Good luck on your half, I'm running the one in dallas on December 9th.

    1. I can't imagine running a half there! I went out and ran the course a few days before the race, but I forgot that they have very few water stations. Next time I'll bring my own!

  2. You didn't tell me you went to the doctor. Bad Leyna!

    1. Guess we need to have mid-week phone calls again :) with you having been sick and on vacation and my grant schedule, we haven't really talked much!!
