Thursday, August 30, 2012

Preschool and my race schedule

So its been a few days/weeks since my last post. Lots has happened to keep me busy in that time. Like deciding to send Danny to preschool, finding a good fit for him/us, and registering him, crying a little at the thought of my baby boy growing up, getting all of his supplies, meet the teacher night, crying some more and actually dropping him off at school. And more tears. It's bittersweet because I want him to grow up and be independent, but also I want to keep him little and have him always be my little buddy. When I look at him, I still see the tiny baby in the NICU and still have the urge to shelter him and protect him. I worry about the hardships he'll face as a child, teenager, and adult. I wish I could protect him from the hurt, disappointment, and unhappiness that I'm sure he'll experience. Yet I know that I can't. I'm simply here to hold his hand, teach him to be positive and confident, and how to handle those disappointments in life. It's a tough job. *sigh*

He loved preschool the first day. There were toys to play with, new faces, new friends! But yesterday was a different storry. His teacher said he was sad and asked for me. Piper on the other hand wanted to go to school so badly! She grabbed a backpack from her bag collection and took it in the car to go drop Danny off. She was more than ready to ditch me and go spend the day learning! It's definitely an adjustment for all of us.

Danny will also be running his first race with me on Labor Day. He'll be running a 1k (I'll be running with him), and then I will be running the 10k. Danny is going to be ridiculously cute!! He even gets a medal for competing. How awesome is that??

Speaking of racing, my running group has decided we are doing the Texas Independence Relay. It's a 203 mile relay that goes from Bastrop, TX to Houston, TX. I'm very excited to do this next year!! My 2013 race schedule is already filling up. Here are my upcoming races:

September: Labor of Love 10k
September: Lady Speedstick Half-marathon in Nashville
October: Halloween Hustle 15k
November: Big D 30k
December: New Years Double - New Years Eve Marathon
January: New Years Double - New Years Day 5k
February: Cowtown Ultra-marathon (50k) (the ultra is my goal, but depending on training/how I feel, might do half or full marathon)
March: Texas Independence Relay
May: Run Like A Mother 5k
May: Patriot Half-marathon

Wow...didn't actually realize I had that much already planned out! I still want to do a sprint triathlon too, so I guess I better make sure to leave room for that. Love it!


  1. I love hearing about your races. You are awesome. You make me want to sign up for a race! There is one coming up next month here in town, I might just do it! I cant wait to hear about Danny running, that is the cutest thing! Take lots of pictures.

    1. Do it Erin! Racing is a little addictive :)
