Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm Here

So the good news is - I'm not dead! It's been a while since I posted, I know, but I have a good excuse: my internet connection completely stinks. And I think my computer is dying. Derek got a free Google Chrome book a few years ago as long as he tested the product. We've had it for probably 3 years now, and it has worked well for the most part (although I do miss having an actual hard drive on my computer!). However, it has been stepped on by Thing 1 and Thing 2 so many times (I'm guessing that's the problem anyway!) that it now will randomly decide to restart in the middle of doing something. Plus at our new house our wifi seems to be very spotty and my internet cuts out all the time. Both are very frustrating and have lead to half finished blog posts disappearing and my patience being tested. I am not the world's most patient person.

The good news is that my leg injury is healing nicely and for the most part it is not bothering me at all now. Woo-hoo! I was able to run the Hottest Half with only minor pain and finished only three minutes after my PR time. Running a half marathon in rather warm, sunny, humid weather in 2 hours, 40 minutes, and 3 seconds made me happy, especially with the injury. The race itself was fun and pretty easy and scenic. We did go over these crazy iron bridges that as you ran, were kind of springy and when 15 - 20 people were crossing it, it got downright disorientating. I had to walk across all of those bridges, which really slowed me down. And made me slightly sick to my stomach!

Speaking of being sick to my stomach, I have caught the flu bug that is going around here and spent last night  getting sick and alternating between having a fever and chills. It was pretty awesome and left me with little sleep and a killer headache this morning. I'm not sure what brought it on, but I'm really hoping that the rest of the family doesn't get it.

Okay - wrote all of that about five days ago...then my computer restarted itself. I'm using my Chrome Book minimally now and Derek is giving me our Ipad to use as my new computer. I can't wait until we build up our savings again and I can afford a *real* laptop again. I'm going to hit 'publish' so that I at least get this post out. I have only written a total of three posts for August. I promise next month will be better and more bloggerific (for my 7 faithful followers!!).

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